person-borne explosive detection canines
PERSON-BORNE EXPLOSIVE DETECTION CANINES are trained to detect and track explosive or weapon scent trails emitting from a moving person. Person-Borne teams screen crowds at ingress and egress points to rapidly and effectively identify an individual carrying weapons or explosives, such as a suicide or backpack bomber, who is attempting to enter an event or venue.
EXPLOSIVE DETECTION CAPABILITIES add an additional layer of security at stadiums, arenas, special events and entry control points, extending the security perimeter. Person-Borne Canine Handler Teams also have the ability to perform static explosives detection—screening vehicles, parking lots, loading docks, planters and trashcans, stadium seating, and more.
AN INDUSTRY FIRST, at the request of the Department of Homeland Security, K2 was integral in the development of Person-Borne technology, working in partnership with Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab and the University of Maryland. K2 continues to be an innovative leader in the industry.
Despite trillions of dollars spent on technology-based research and development efforts, Explosive Detection Canines remain the most reliable method for detecting explosives, especially in large crowds.
DHS SAFETY ACT DESIGNATED K2 has been awarded the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) SAFETY Act Designation for our Single-Purpose Explosive Detection Canine Handler Teams, our TSA Certified Cargo Screening Facility-Canine (CCSF-K9), and our Person-Borne Explosive Detection Canine Handler Teams—the first and only of its kind.
IMPRINTING & TRAINING ON LIVE EXPLOSIVES Explosive detection canines are imprinted on the five families of explosives, as well as Homemade Explosives (HME). HMEs are far more widely used in terrorist attacks than traditional explosives because the ingredients are easily found and are readily available. At K2, we train for real-world scenarios.
THIRD-PARTY CERTIFIED K2 is the only canine provider to offer Person-Borne Explosive Detection services that are certified by a third-party. K2 certifies all Canine Handler Teams through the non-profit International Police Work Dog Association (IPWDA).