K2 Solutions is partnering with canine expert Jeff Meyer to host the Markers for Detection Dogs Seminar at our Canine Training Academy, located in Jackson Springs, North Carolina. This seminar will provide hands-on instruction for attendees to demonstrate the process of establishing the Marker Training Method for both green dogs and dogs with previous detection training. This unique training experience is designed to accelerate training time for working dogs. 

Join us for 3 days comprised of in-the-field training, expert instruction and operational experience—working and audit spots available. Our seminar will provide detailed information on how quickly the Marker will make the essential connection for the dog between the odor, the dog's response and the reward. In addition, students will learn the benefits of Marker Training for Detection: 

  • Reducing the dog’s learning curve

  • Helping trainers that struggle with poor handler timing

  • Methods to reduce dog and handler frustration

  • Methods to mitigate challenges with handler cuing, creating clear communication

Working Participant: $350 (limited number available) • Audit Participant: $200 

Markers for Detection Dogs
3-Day Seminar—November 13-15, 2024

Jeff Meyer retired in 2023 after serving more than 33 years with the Denver Police Department. Jeff has handled, certified and deployed dogs that have been used to find suspects, narcotics, explosives, guns, currency, and evidence. Jeff spent over 17 years in the Patrol Dog Section, working several dogs before being tasked with starting a new detection K-9 Unit for his department. When he retired, he was involved in training dog teams in all divisions for his agency. In total, Jeff was a handler for 27 years and a trainer for his agency for 23 of those years.

Jeff teaches classes for patrol and detection dog teams across the nation, with over 1,000 teams participating to-date. In addition, he has provided expert witness testimony on behalf of officers.