K2 offers operational explosive advise and assist services and support in Special Operations, Counter-IED, Homemade Explosives (HME), Risk Assessment and Management, Program Management, and Research and Development. K2 has an onsite HME Lab to manufacture explosives, an ATF-approved eight-bunker explosives storage facility, and a range to detonate and destroy explosives. K2 has onsite DCMA compliant storage for Government-owned ammunition and explosives.
K2 provides courses on the tactics, techniques and procedures in regard to Homemade Explosives, and customizable, scenario-based training to teach Canine Handler Teams to detect IEDs, HME and booby traps. K2 provides instruction in IED Awareness, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Identification, Threat Identification, Situational Awareness, Explosives Handling and IED/HME components.
Explosive products
K2 offers a variety of explosive materials and products with competitive pricing and no minimum orders, including canine training aids and customizable scent kits. K2 has fulfilled sales to Government, Law Enforcement, and Agricultural agencies nationwide, commercial contractors, private contractors, and Military bases.

K2 employs Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD) certified Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technicians, with a Master EOD Badge, trained in anti-terrorism advanced IEDs, HME synthesis, Special Operations Forces (SOF) Operators, vehicle post blast and IED/WMD disablement logistics.
explosive Licensing
K2 maintains the following licenses:
ATF Type 1: Dealer in Firearms other than Destructive Devices
ATF Type 9: Dealer in Destructive Devices
ATF Type 10: Manufacturer of Destructive Devices
ATF Type 20: Manufacturer of High Explosives
DCMA compliant storage of Government-owned ammunition and explosives
Department of Transportation (DOT) Registered: 2040142
DOT Hazardous Materials Drivers
Explosive Transport
K2 holds the highest safety rating level issued by the Department of Transportation (DOT) of “Satisfactory,” as well as a valid Hazardous Materials Safety Permit required by law to transport explosives throughout the United States. K2 has the capability to deliver 1.1, 1.4, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.1 explosives via K2 vehicles or by commercial carrier.