canine training Academy
Jackson Springs, NC
K2’s Canine Training Academy (CTA) is a 125-acre training facility, purpose-built to support the varying and unique requirements of our clients. K2 has the ability to house up to 320 canines at any time, and—with more than 60 on- and off-site training areas—K2 provides clients with the necessary space and environments to conduct operational training.
K2 Canine Veterinary Hospital
K2 owns and operates a fully-licensed onsite Veterinary Hospital with the capability to conduct not only routine examinations and sick call, but also to provide small animal surgery, dental cleanings/extractions, digital radiographs, and ultrasounds.
K2’s CTA is a Certified United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Act Registered Class R Research Facility. K2 adheres to the guidelines set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Welfare Act (AWA), as well as state and local statutes and licensing requirements.
Visit Us
By Appointment Only
369 Pinehurst Rd.
Jackson Springs, NC 27281
(910) 652-3645