INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY, TRAINING AND EDUCATION K2’s team of career Special Operations Forces, all of whom have significant USSOCOM experience, provide customized solutions for success in demanding, high-threat environments where agility, situational awareness, and the ability to respond to evolving conditions and threats are absolutely critical. K2 has consistently demonstrated (both in and out of uniform) an ability to plan, lead, manage, and synchronize subject-specific expertise across diverse mission areas.
Optimally located near Fort Bragg, K2 was founded in 2003 to assist Department of Defense Combat Developers within USSOCOM and JSOC to train to equip their operators in support of Overseas Contingency Operations. Since that time, K2’s Defense Services division provides Training & Education, Research & Development, Intelligence Support, Leader Development, and Consulting Services to several US Government Departments.
Combat Development and RDT&E
K2's Research, Development, Technology, and Evaluation efforts are focused on the discovery of innovative solutions that lead to advances in weapons development, testing and evaluation, energetics, and test data collection and analysis.
K2’s training programs are based in the proper application of fundamentals under high-stress tactical scenarios. K2 specializes in providing customized training to Military, Law Enforcement, and other Government Agencies.
Counter-improvised explosive device
K2 provides strategic advisory services to support the diverse requirements of our clients. We deliver efficient, cost-effective solutions that help our clients make high-impact decisions.
Operations And Intelligence
K2 supplies personnel to support critical intelligence functions across the spectrum of National Security, including General Military Intelligence, All-Source Intelligence Analysis and Multi-Discipline Intelligence.